Sunday, July 1, 2018

Our day on Signal Hill

Fri June 29 - Jordan & Rebecca had to work today so Little Red Dog, Maryann and I decided to explore Signal Hill. It was a beautiful sunny day but very windy up on the hill.
After exploring the tower, we set out on the North Head Trail. It starts by going down about 100 steps to a plateau.

From there, you can go off in several directions. I could have explored this area for an hour. At one point I could head lots of squawking so went to investigate. I found a cliff with hundreds of sea gulls.
Continuing on we got a great view of my son, Jordan's, house and the Fort Amherst lighthouse. His house is in the little group to the right in the picture.
The trail gets a little narrow and interesting. 

It ends at the edge of The Battery district of St John's. We had to walk across someones front deck to get back on the street.
Back on top of the hill Little Red Dog checked out the cannons. This one is aimed right at Jordan's house.
Apparently, this was the first nice day in a very long time, so when the kids got home from work we ended the day with a nice cold one on the deck.

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