Tuesday, July 3, 2018

To the most easterly point in North America

Mon July 2 - Another warm sunny day in St John's - NOT!!! But we went to check out Cape Spear anyway. This is the most easterly point in North America.
It was very cold and windy out on the point. We were all bundled up with 4 or 5 layers. This is also the site of the oldest surviving lighthouse in Newfoundland and a coastal defense battery during World War II.
Even though the weather was sketchy, we did have a nice surprise. There were two pairs of humpback whales feeding and frolicking just off shore. They came as close as a couple of hundred feet. We even saw one of them breaching 3 times. Very cool, but we were not fast enough to get a picture.

In the evening we went for pizza, then on a ghost walk.  Little Red Dog was thoroughly intrigued by the spooky tour.
The rolling fog created the perfect evening for a Haunted Hike. As we walked through dark alleys and laneways our guide told us tales of public hangings, duels, prostitution and horrific murders. We passed over forgotten cemeteries and unmarked graves, past buildings known to be visited by those who have passed over to the other side. Stories of vengeful lovers, murdered soldiers and mysterious fires awaited us. At one stop we looked up to a 3rd floor window of an apartment building. A woman was dancing in the window wrapped in a sheer curtain. I think that she has seen the haunted walks before and was making fun of us.
I'm happy to say that everyone returned safe and sound.

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